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  3. Alerting
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  6. Alerting system variables

Alerting system variables

This article contains an overview of all available System variables, which can be used to populate the outgoing alert message with relevant information about things like the monitor that caused it, what error occurred, or the alert itself. For more information on how to make use of these system variables, please read our article on building the right message content .

In short, to use the variables listed here, they will have to be included in the message content wrapped in double curly brackets. As an example: {{@alert.alertGuid}}.

Variable Description Example value
@account.accountId Your Uptrends account id. 299840
@alert.alertGuid Unique id of this alert. cbfc7769-edb2-46a7-89d0-1e1b1fb0815b
@alert.checkpointName Contains the checkpoint’s name or location where the alert was last checked. Ghent, Belgium
@alert.description Text description of the error that triggered this alert. Will include step number if applicable. Step 1: Navigate to failed.
@alert.downtimeDuration The time between the first error and the current (OK) alert timestamp. 48:03:21
The error type id of the error that triggered this alert, see Error types for a list of error types.
@alert.failureMessage The custom failure message for the specific action in a transaction step that caused the error. Login failed
@alert.firstError The same date and time as @alert.firstErrorUtc, but in the timezone of your account. Also formatted as ISO 8601. 2018-11-08T10:21:58
@alert.firstErrorCheckId The Id of the error that triggered this alert. 30833627687
@alert.firstErrorCheckUrl The URL of a deep link that takes you to the details of the error that triggered this alert.
@alert.firstErrorDescription The error description of the first monitor check that received the error. Will include step number if applicable. Step 1: Navigate to failed.
@alert.firstErrorFormatted The same date and time as @alert.firstErrorUtc, but in the timezone and culture of your account. 8/28/2020 12:23 PM
@alert.firstErrorUtc The date and time of the original error that triggered this alert, expressed in UTC time, and formatted as ISO 8601. 2018-11-08T16:21:58
@alert.firstErrorUtcFormatted The date and time of the original error that triggered this alert, expressed in UTC time, and formatted in the culture of your account. 8/28/2020 10:23 PM
@alert.numberOfConsecutiveErrors Contains the total number of consecutive errors (confirmed errors) of the alert. 2
@alert.resolvedIpAddress The ip address that was used to perform the check. Can be either a ipv4 or a ipv6 address. OR 2a02:2658:103e:4:461:81bb:adbe:82a5
Contains the response headers of the alert in key-value pairs. Note that the value of this variable can be empty if the Private location data protection is enabled on a private checkpoint location performing the alert check.
Content-Type": "text/html
Contains the response body received when it’s available. Note that the response body may contain characters that need to be encoded, e.g. using @JsonEncode or @XmlEncode. The response body will be truncated when it’s larger than 1 MB.
{"Status": "error"}
@alert.serverIpv4 The IPv4 address of the server on which the check was performed.
@alert.serverIpv6 The IPv6 address of the server on which the check was performed. 2a02:2658:103e:4:461:81bb:adbe:82a5
@alert.sslValidUntil Contains the date and time when the SSL certificate is set to expire for SSL monitor alerts. 2024-11-07T15:05:43
@alert.timestamp The same date and time as @alert.timestampUtc, but in the timezone of your account. Also formatted as ISO 8601. 2018-11-08T10:26:58
@alert.timestampFormatted The same date and time as @alert.timestampUtc, but in the timezone and culture of your account. 8/28/2020 12:23 PM
@alert.timestampUtc The date and time of the alert, expressed in UTC time, and formatted as ISO 8601. 2018-11-08T16:26:58
@alert.timestampUtcFormatted The date and time of the alert, expressed in UTC time, and formatted in the culture of your account. 8/28/2020 10:23 PM
@alert.type The type of this alert message:

- Alert: a new error was detected.
- Ok: the original error has been resolved.
- Reminder: the original error is still ongoing.
Alert | Ok | Reminder
@alertDefinition.guid The unique id of the alert definition that was used to generate this alert. 2C97E464-6112-435B-8C8D-6DEF1E18273A The name of the alert definition that was used to generate this alert. Default Alert
A reference to a custom field, which can be used to include custom data for individual monitors.
Alert for Ops team The id of the escalation level that was used to generate this alert. 1
@escalationLevel.message The custom message that was specified in the escalation level. Please use checklist THX-1138 to investigate this issue.
@incident.key Unique id of the incident this alert belongs to. An error alert and an Ok alert share the same incident key. ba8ffcb7-5de0-489e-b649-f00f0b447e80-0-30099055746
@monitor.dashboardUrl The URL of a deep link that takes you to the dashboard for this monitor.
@monitor.editUrl The URL of a deep link that takes you to the settings for this monitor.
@monitor.monitorGuid The unique id of the monitor in your account that triggered this alert. 849b2046-213d-43ad-9efc-5af1faaeb222 The name of the monitor in your account that triggered this alert. - DNS
@monitor.notes Any custom notes that were filled in the monitor settings. Please check Amazon Route53 DNS entries
@monitor.type Contains the type of the monitor. Transaction
@monitor.url The URL or network address this monitor is checking.
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