Our Multi-step API monitor type is one of the most powerful monitors available in Uptrends, allowing you to set up multiple requests to your API, while carrying over data for use in the following request.
We’ve added some improvements to multi-step API monitors:
- Previously, when a multi-step API monitor generated an error because an assertion did not pass, the resulting error in the monitor log would read “Assertion did not pass”. However, that error did not contain any information about which step in particular contained a failing assertion. We’ve now slightly reworked the error message to include that information, much like it works for transactions.
- Each individual step has its own timing data, which is shown in the Step results section of a monitor check result. We’ve adjusted how this step timing data is displayed, making it more noticeable.
- Individual multi-step API monitor steps had a ‘behind the scenes’ timeout of 45 seconds, meaning no step could take longer than that. We’ve removed that step related timeout, so that steps can now take as long as necessary. However, the total monitor duration has to remain within its overall maximum of 4 minutes.