Because communication matters
Email is still the most efficient means of business communications. Despite Twitter, other social media channels, and messaging apps, email remains the preferred means of maintaining relationships between businesses and customers. Make sure those lines of communication remain open with Email Server Monitoring from Uptrends.
A lot depends on your email
Your business’s productivity, customer perception, and to some degree your revenue depends on the ability of your employees and customers to communicate freely. A failure in your email communications can cost you more than time and hardware. Learn about impending problems before they affect your business.
Three-stage approach
Email communications require a lot of moving parts, so make sure you’re watching the three key indicators.
Can we find your email servers? Server failures and routing issues can knock you out of the game quickly. Testing for availability is your first line of defense when it comes to keeping your lines of communication open.
How long should it take to receive a response from your email servers? Monitoring for performance can let you know about bandwidth and server load issues that may lead to a failing system.
So your server is up and responding quickly, but can a client connect successfully? Can the system authenticate a user? By testing the connection process directly, you will know that your entire system is working as it should.
Choose your protocol
Check your SMTP, POP3, and IMAP protocols with Email Server Monitoring from Uptrends.
Uptrends' SMTP monitor contacts your SMTP (sending) server and attempts to make a connection. If your SMTP server is failing, users can’t send emails.
Uptrends checks your POP3 email server to make sure that mail clients can connect to your server to retrieve emails for reading. If we can’t connect, neither can your users.
IMAP grants synchronized email access across devices. Uptrends connects to ensure that the protocol continues to function and responds as expected. You can also check your SSL certificate.
Know when your mail server fails
Mail servers can go down quietly. Don’t wait hours before finding out. With Uptrends you’ll know in minutes.
Alternative alert options
If your email server goes down, it probably won’t do much good to send you an email alert. With Uptrends, you can pick your preferred communication methods including SMS, voice/phone, push notifications via the Uptrends app, or integrations like Slack and PagerDuty.
Engage your teams
Sending notifications to the wrong or off-duty team members probably isn’t your best option. Using duty schedules and operator groups, you can make sure the right teams and team members get the notification. If an issue goes on too long, alert escalations can bring in more support.
Monitor from your users' locations
Monitor your email servers externally using our global network of
233 checkpoints
. Identify localized issues and problems external to your firewall that affect your communications.
Uptrends scheduled reports and customizable dashboards enable you to see uptime and performance trends that affect your email servers. Spot potential problems before your servers fail.
Keep communications flowing. Try Uptrends Email Monitoring today.
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