What is an IP address?
An IP address is a string of unique numbers that helps to identify individual devices using the Internet Protocol and enables them to communicate on any given network.
Check your uptime
Check if your website is available from locations all around the world, with our free uptime check tool . Spot website downtime immediately!
Test website speed
Your website speed is important, it’s even a ranking factor for Google. Check your website speed from our worldwide servers, in Chrome and Edge.
Your trial grants access to these extras
Power-up your web performance tests
Get reports in PDF or Excel format in your mailbox every day. We display the traceroute when your site errors. Get your alerts via email, SMS, voice, push, webhooks, or tools like Slack. Ad-hoc tests only get you so far. Go for continuous monitoring. Mimic your user base by choosing from all 233 locations. Know exactly what was going on in the browser with error snapshots.Receive daily reports
Error? Traceroute!
Get alerts
Monitor 24/7
Pick your locations
View error snapshots
And there’s much more in your trial account
Play around with the complete toolkit
Monitor from 233 worldwide locations and get alerts via email, SMS, and integrations such as Slack when something breaks. With Web Application Monitoring, you can monitor website steps such as shopping carts, logins, search, and forms.
Improve your website speed
with rich, easy-to-use waterfall reports, monitor in Chrome and Edge. APIs fuel all kinds of tools and applications. Build multi-step API calls to test your APIs for functionality, performance, and uptime. How do your actual users see your site? RUM gives you load times per browser, device, and operating system displayed in shiny world maps. Make sure to check the backend too. Check your web, DNS, and mail servers worldwide from outside your firewall.Website Uptime Monitoring
Web Application Monitoring
Web Performance Monitoring
API Monitoring
Real User Monitoring
Server Monitoring
“Uptrends gives us power, it’s accessible, easy to use, and actually quite fun.”
— Steven Andrews, Leader Application Support at Virgin Australia
Get started — it’s free